Tickets and Rewards
Are you Looking for the Best Value Tickets and Offers?
Check out our consumer website if you are looking for tickets.
Loop Connections helps partners to link up their products and services delivering solutions where evereyone does better. Our circular business models get everyone working together to cut out the waste in traditional trading relationships. Customers help as affiliates, and suppliers work as partners. Each relationship is allocated to one of our dedicated team of relationship managers and we work with transport operators, visitor attractions, hotels, restaurants and others to optimise the value of connections.
Interested in Using our SMART Toolkits?
We cannot change all people all of the time but we can always change some people some of the time. Our SMART toolkit is designed to be able to offer specific targeted multi-media solutions for any person.
Loop technologies include:
- Printed vouchers for people who don’t like technology using unique tracking codes so that those who can use technology can still make smart offers.
- Integration with any current popular electronic payment system.
- Personal accounts to enable users to manage rewards whether the rewards are for individuals of funding community projects.
- Mobile phone payment solutions that work on virtually any phone with 100% reliability – even when there is no internet signal.
The development of these technologies was partially funded by a large grant from the Technology Strategy Board (now Innovate UK) and piloted in Wigan between 2009 and 2012. Since then more towns have come on board and Loop Connections offers the leading home for open source smarter choices technologies.
Part of the proceeds from ticket sales goes to funding social and environmental projects helping to close the loop by adding more value to more people. When everybody benefits the solutions are more profitable and sustainable making Loop Connections the must have toolkit for any smart travel or town rewards scheme.
Feedback Loops and Customer Dialogue
Sometimes people don’t like what they get so Loop Connections toolkit includes user friendly feedback to help turn every problem into an opportunity. By continually looking for new opportunities Loop Connections technologies enable providers and customers to provide timely feedback more easily leading to a process of continuous improvement. Online forms and touch screen technology help us to find out what customers want and to plan and deliver new connections.